Every manuscript that goes into Comment: Journal of Community Empowerment will be processed through the following stages:
- Peer review stage: Manuscripts will be assessed for conformity with the scope of the journal, article writing templates, and plagiarism checks by the Editor Team. If the manuscript does not meet the specified standards, the manuscript will be rejected. Manuscripts that meet the standards will be processed to the review stage.
- Review stage: The Editor Team sends manuscripts that meet the standards to Reviewers to be assessed for the contents of the manuscript by blind review. Reviewers will provide recommendations on the assessed manuscript to the Editor Team with three decisions: rejected, accepted with revision, or accepted without revision. Manuscripts received will be immediately processed to the editing stage, while manuscripts that need to be revised will be returned to the author.
- Revision stage: The Editor Team forwards the manuscript to the Author for revision. After the manuscript has been revised, the Editor team will check the suitability of the Reviewers' recommendations with the results of the Author's revision. If the script is appropriate, then the script enters the editing stage.
- Editing stage: The Editor Team will edit the manuscript by completing the volume and journal number, as well as the journal page.
- 5. Publication stage: Manuscripts that have finished editing will be published online.