Peningkatan Digitalisasi UMKM Melalui Optimalisasi Media Sosial Tiktok dan Instagram Pada UMKM Somay Dian
Community service activities are carried out at UMKM Somay Dian which is located on Kali Balau Kencana, Bandar Lampung. This service aims to provide socialization on the use of social media as a digital marketing strategy for Somay Dian MSMEs. The problem experienced by MSME Somay Dian is a lack of knowledge in carrying out business development in terms of marketing products with a wider market share, especially digital marketing. To solve this problem, the team provided an understanding of the importance of branding for products, marketing strategies for competitive advantage, and the use of information technology in marketing their products. The training implementation method itself consists of lectures, demonstrations and practice. The results shows that they have knowledge, understanding and insight into the importance of product branding and the importance of using social media as a marketing strategy. This activity has increased the expertise and capabilities of Somay Dian MSMEs.
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Instagram; TikTok; MSMEs; Somay Dian
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