Peningkatan Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris (TOEIC) di SMKN 1 Braja Selebah, Lampung Timur

Ingatan Gulo, Elisabeth Ngestirosa Endang Woro Kasih, Heri Kuswoyo, Almira Devita, Tiara Nada Advisha Nurhidayah, Yani Prastiyo


The Community Service Activity (PKM) has the goal of enhancing the English language proficiency of students at SMK 1 Braja Selebah through TOEIC practice. TOEIC stands for the Test of English for International Communication, which assesses daily English language skills used in education and professional settings. The students attending SMK (Vocational High School) aspire to work after graduation, and thus, they are provided with TOEIC training to prepare them for future employment opportunities. The training specifically focuses on developing their reading skills, a crucial aspect of TOEIC, as it is often a requirement for job applications and adds value to their candidacy. Throughout the training, students engage in exercises such as completing sentences with missing words, filling in missing words in texts, and improving sentence structures. The ultimate aim of this training is to equip the students with proficiency in the reading component of TOEIC, enabling them to excel in their future endeavors.

Keywords English Competency, SMK, TOEIC

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TEKNOMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
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