Styawati Styawati, Slamet Samsugi, Ismail Izudin, Andriani Lili, Mohammad Farrel Auguerra, Akhmad Febriyo Febriyansyah


SMK N 9 Bandarlampung has a department that studies embedded systems, namely the Sistem Informasi Jaringan dan Aplikasi (SIJA) department. Utilization of embedded system technology is needed to support every activity of agencies and individuals in accessing information. This embedded system-based automatic faucet manufacturing training provides knowledge related to embedded systems to students of SMK N 9 Bandarlampung. So far, the technology taught to students at this school is only in the form of prototypes and does not make its own program code. The program code in the form of a module is taken from the playstore. This resulted in students not being able to build systems according to their respective creativity. The purpose of this service is to provide training in making code programs that will be implemented on automatic faucets. In addition, this service also aims to implement automatic faucet technology to make it easier to use faucets as a medium for washing hands.

Kata Kunci : Automated Faucet; Embedded System; SMK N 9 Bandarlampung.

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TEKNOMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
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