Bintang Diwangkara


Currently cocoa beans (TheobromacacaoL.) is one of the agricultural products that has a fairly high selling price. One of the stages in the processing of cocoa beans is the process of choosing the quality of cocoa bean water content. Here farmers have difficulty in checking water content, because water content is very important in determining prices. Based on this, the author made a cocoa bean water test tool with the implementation of using Soil Moisture sensors to make it easier for farmers to make the decision to sell or dry them back so that farmers do not lose. In addition, the process of testing the water content is very easy to use just stick it into a pile of cocoa beans that have been collected or can also be plugged into cocoa beans that have been put into sacks. This tool is programmed and made using ArduinoIDE. As a link to the commands of the system that has been created, researchers use arduino uno r3 microcontroller, for the results of reading data from the mosture soil sensor researchers use lcd monitors as test results viewer, green ledcolor for good moisture content, yellow LED for moderate water content, and red led for high water content. The results of the study showed that the test that uses a container in which there are already cocoa beans in the amount of 1 kg with good water content conditions resulting from the tool sold is 6% and in the research tool 6.5% so that it can be concluded that the tool made can be used to measure the moisture content of cocoa beans with a small error rate of 0.5%

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