Muhammad Alip Pratama, Riris Prasetyo


Human life can not be separated from the utilization of various electrical equipment that is increasingly sophisticated and all automated. Various equipment is used by humans in everyday life for various purposes, such as lighting, entertainment, kitchen equipment, to an all-automated security system. Electricity is one of the important needs in life and during this time human dependence on electricity gives rise to bad habits. Many people sometimes leave a power tool in a light condition that can cause waste and waste that is not the only problem that will arise but can also cause a fire. The modeling of the household electronic device control system is made to overcome the problem of waste of electricity, with the internet feature Of Things we do not need to worry when leaving the house and forget to turn off electronic devices that were previously turned on. The components used in this tool are NodeMCU V1.0, Relay 4 Channel, Fan DC, DC Motor, LED and Buzzer as electronic components that are programmed using C language programming.

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